March 20th was the first day of Spring and at my house it was heavily raining and it felt more like the middle of Winter.  The sun has now arrived and it is starting to feel more like Spring.  With the sun arriving, it is important to remember to care for our lawns, gardens, plants, etc. 

With more families planting gardens to save money at the grocery store I thought I would share some fun trick and facts about gardening:

  • Check with your local nursery for discarded planting trays, used disposable pots, etc.  You can recycle them and use them in your own garden.
  • When you buy produce in little baskets (like berries, cherry tomatoes, etc.), save the baskets & use them for organizing around the house or garden, or even for seed starting planters.
  • Use small laundry baskets for harvesting your produce. Poke a few small drain holes in the bottom of the basket, and you can hose off the produce outside. Let them drain in the baskets, and save yourself from having to do the clean-up in the kitchen!
  • Have plants that need extra irrigation?  Save your milk cartons.  Poke drainage holes in it, and bury it near a plant (or between plants) that need extra watering.  When making your watering rounds, fill the container with water.  Water then slowly leaks out directly into the soil at the level of the roots.  Using this method, you don’t lose so much water to evaporation, as if you were watering on the ground surface level.
  • Keep your melons from rotting as they ripen by placing a flat stone (or concrete) beneath the fruit.
  • Save that old empty parmesan cheese shaker – and fill it with a mixture of fine seeds and sand.  Then simply shake to spread the seeds as you’re planting.
  • When should you transplant trees and shrubs?  Any month that has a “R” in it….September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April.  Never May, June, July or August.
  • When your hands are badly stained from gardening, add a teaspoon of sugar to the soapy water the wash them.
  • Plant a few sprigs of dill near your tomato plants to prevent tomato worms on your plants.
  • Onions, apples and potatoes all have the same taste.  The difference in flavor is caused by their smell.  Pinch your nose and try it – they will all taste sweet.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower are the only vegetables that are also flowers.


A VEGETABLE is an edible part of a plant……The root (beet), the leaf (spinach), or the flower (broccoli)

A FRUIT is the edible ripened ovary of a seed-bearing plant

Sometimes your produce might be a fruit AND a vegetable…..for example, a tomato and a watermelon are both edible parts of a plant and they are also a ripened ovaries which contains seeds. Therefore they are a fruit AND a vegetable.

Tomatoes are the world’s most popular produce, more than 60 million tons are produced every year, more than banana’s.  There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes, from small cherry ones to Ponderosa (which can weigh over three pounds)

Watermelons are very healthy, contain no fat or cholesterol and are high in fiber content, potassium and vitamins A and C.  The world record-holding watermelon was more than 260 lbs.


  1. I commented on this already, but it may have been deleted ’cause my internet died. Anyway… take 2!

    I’m so glad you updated! I’ve missed reading your updates. I always learn so much! I have to say, though, I find it hard to believe that potatoes, apples and onions all taste the same if I can’t smell them. Sounds like something I need to get Christopher to try. 😉

    And as a side note, yes you can definitely borrow the Easter Bunny idea! 🙂

    • I am sorry I am not more consistant right now. My husband had shoulder surgery and my schedule is all different with him at home. My kids had school break which kept us busy, and then everyone got the flu. I have been juggling work, the kids, and my husband and I am sad that I have only put out a few post now and then. Next month when my husband goes back to work I will be able to get back to things as normal. I want to thank you for checking in.

      P.S. I can’t wait to see what Christopher thinks of the potatoes, apples and onions….you will have to let me know. lol

  2. I love the laundry basket idea — I never know how to bring my produce inside, and then I get dirt all over the counters washing everything off. I’ll try it your way next time. And I have to test out your potatoes/onions/apple theory. That one’s hard to believe… 🙂 But I’ll test it out!

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